Keeping Momma's Connected During Baby Formula Shortage

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 It's not surprising that many mother's like myself are concern with the shortage on baby formula that been prolonging more than it should be. And it's been tough ladies...... to find a certain baby formula brand and it's no where to be found..... this has been the situation for many mother's like myself. I've been helping out mom's behind the scenes and searching for resources and where to find their brand when I am able to. But I can say the same for my needs, I am sadden that the baby formula my baby needs is nowhere to be found, but I am lucky I have a few cans (2) left to provide him until I need to search for an alternative brand. 

If you are a mother concern about switching brands talk to your pediatrician and let them know about your concerns, baby's age, how they are doing with there formula feedings, weight, growth, etc. This is exactly what I did,since my baby is 6 months and is able to tolerate formula well and cereal, so with the consult of a pediatrician it may be okay to switch, so I will be on the hunt for a new brand....but the major concern is if it will be in stores or online.

 In a meanwhile, I wanted to share some resources for my mom community: 

Keeping Families Safe During Formula Shortage

There’s nothing as important to families as the health and safety of their babies, and the formula shortage has left many people wondering how they’ll feed them.

infant formula facts

Additional Community Resources

  • Locate your nearest Community Action Agency (CAA): Your local CAA may be able to give you formula or connect you with local agencies that have formula.
  • Call 211United Way’s 2-1-1 can connect you to a community resource specialist who may be able to help you find local food pantries and other sources of formula.
  • Find an accredited milk bank. The Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) gives donated breast milk to families in need. You may need a prescription from your pediatrician or other health care provider to get donated breast milk from HMBANA.

I hope you find this information helpful.

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