Is Having Good Posture Important?

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I'll confess upfront that I have the worst sitting and sleeping posture. And there are times like I feel that I am twisted sleeping pretzel. This is actually really common for most of us and I'm a pretty sure your mother told you: sientate derecha, camina derichita sin jorobar la espalda, ayyy mira levanta el pecho (Sit up Straight! and Don't Slouch!).

Yes ladies, our bodies get super comfortable staying in postures that are not healthy for the spine and body. The sitting position is where most of us get in trouble with poor postural habits. And as one focuses on their daily activity for the day in front of the computer, we tend to protrude the head and neck forward. So it's only common for the body, thoracic and lumbar spine to round forward too. When this occurs to our bodies, the weight of head and upper body are no longer balance over our unique spinal column. Instead we start to feel discomfort, back pain, tense necks and upper and lower back  body discomfort. And before you know it,  we are creating our own little hunch back version. At this point it's important to be consciously aware of your body posture and reposition yourself to support your spinal column. If you must, get up and stretch, walk around and readjust your seat for ergonomic health. 

On top of our body posture affecting our body movement, it also affects our moods and habits. Girlll... yes, everyday our body gives us signals about how we will end up feeling. Pay close attention to how your body is feeling inside and out. Just recently, I had to give myself a break from my own personal projects, social media and be more focus on what my body needed, "R..E..S..T"

Like most people, we could easily ignore the sign and symptoms,but what good will it do if we ignore our bodies. Instead listen to the body symptoms early to help prevent future injuries as we get older.

Listen to podcast episode #42

Remember this," body language is closely related to posture- the way we move our bodies affects how other see us as well as our own moods and habits." ~Belle Beth 


(Importante: The information on this blog is for education purposes only. Stories, symptoms, testimonials and all the content is raw, hones, an from personal experiences and is not to be used as diagnoses or in place of medical advice and care. Please consult with a medical provider if you feel you have concerns related to your reproductive health.)

The Magic to Grow

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Before arriving to WeAllGrow, I reflected on several experiences, the good and the bad. And where I stood?! In the past two years of my life, I've done so much inward healing in regaining my confidence, power and self-love. That I wasn't going to let one bad experience burn the path for me, so I cut the cord to remove any negative vibras that came with it and packed my bags to go to the fifth We All Grow Latina  summit.

I was excited to return to WeAllGrow summit because this time around I wore my heart and sacral chakra's on my sleeve.  I was open to learning more about what it meant for me to return and why? Starting with the Ceremonia night that was co-created by disruptaging, musica by las cafeteras, and the amazing art work by the brooklyn bruja. The whole setting was created with buena vibras and before entering the space, we were welcomed with a ceremonial limpia for good energy and love. It was time for all of us to continue to flourish in areas that continue to spark a change for a better community.

As I floated around the outdoor space, I came across one of the brooklyn bruja art murals and there was a one specific mural that touched my spirit to the core, la " Diosa". Encountering this mural in person reminded me that the magic ke esta creciendo adrento de nosotras es divina, poderosa, y bello. As I stood in front of the mural with a warm smile, I knew immediately this was my womb alter; the one that honors my pain, rebirth and connection to my higher power. This is my Magic!

The Moon ( Cycles of Healing)  , Universe (Womb) , Hummingbirds (2 Spiritual Angels), Water (Healing Element), Crystal (Energy Work), Prayer Hands (God), Candles (Passion), Flowers (Life), Bases (Strength) and Stars (Magic).

 The colors utilized in the Diosa mural represent the following to my divine:
Lavender: beauty and feminity
Blue: open space, freedom and intuition
Teal:  open communication and clarity of thought 
Gray: intellect, knowledge and wisdom
White: safety, purity and new beginnings
Rose: warmth and positive attitude 
Yellow: energy, remembrance and honor

Remind yourself when you are in a gathering in an area full of energ,
Remember to "Be present!" nothing more and nothing less. 

Being present means stand with the community 
Uplift, Move and Empower 

I have to thank the  two wonderful mujeres for providing me two distinguish messages Dari Luna and All Things Ada. The first message was from Dari, as I stood still listening to the Cafeteras music, I remembered my arm being uplifted and saw Dari. I gave her permission to draw on my arm not knowing what it was really for until she was done. Part of the message was about my journey, there will be women who will give and others that will take, but in the journey "Trust" the path you are building because you will get to your destiny. My eyes teared and gave her a big bear hug, there was so much I wanted to express, but in that moment, I just cherished the connection.

The second message was with Ada, we have been WAG sisters from the getco, I've seen her grown, go through hardships and manifest. My New York Vecina and soon to be my Chicago Vecina uplifted my spirits by giving me advice to write a letter and really let go of the most recent negative shift that can cause uncertainty, burn it and say "goodbye". Gracias por el consejo!

The rest of the night, I let loose, dance and listen to the music vibrations as my body dance it's heart out with all the beautiful women who surrounded the dance floor.  Together we sang, dance and laughed. And that's all that matter for the night, nothing more and nothing less. 

I want to dedicated this body art by Dari Luna to all the women who dove deep to 
Protecting your MAGIC and your VULNERABILITY is REAL! 
No one has the right to step over you for their own personal gains. 
So if you must CUT the CORD, CUT ! To set it FREE
 and see the MAGIC is within you to GROW!!