Quarantine Sweetness

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Cooking 3 meals a day has become the new normal for most families as we are all trying to find a healthy balance with home routines. And while we are trying to keep it all together; there are times we crave a good sweet treat! So, instead of reaching for the high calorie and added sugar snack. Let's think about making a delicious nutrient dense sweet treat inspired by Elle Macpherson.  

It's time to bring out the raspberries, avocados, almond butter and more..
Wondering what you will be making.. well make sure to take notes because this sweet raspberry mousse is a spoonful for your mouth!

Ingredients needed are the following:

3 cups mashed avocado
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tablespoon vanilla powder or extract
1/4 cup almond butter
3/4 cups pure maple syrup
1 1/2 cups raw cacao powder
1/4 cup fold filtered water
3 tablespoon chocolate protein 
Pinch of sea salt
Fresh Raspberries
and Cacao chips

Instructions on how to make this Sweet Dessert

Primero: In a food processor or blender, combine the avocado, coconut oil, and vanilla. 
Blend until smooth for about 2 minutos
Segundo: Add the almond butter, maple syrup, cacao powder filtered water, protein powder, and salt. 
Blend until nicely combined
Tercero: Get two-three bowls and add the mousse to the dish and top with raspberries
 and cacao chips as desired. 

This recipe is great for people who are looking for a dairy and gluten free dessert. And as a perk, it's low in inflammation which is great for gut health!

Autoimmune Disease with Dr. April Moreno

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Feliz Miercoles!!!

I hope you are finding healthy home routines while we are all trying to cooperate with the COVID-19 outbreak. With that said, find a space in your casita to tune into a new podcast episode as Dr. April and I discuss autoimmune disease.

Did you know that different ethnic groups are more susceptible to certain autoimmune disease. For example, African American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American women are two to three times more likely to develop to disease compared to Caucasian women.

Tune into this week's episode to learn about Dr. April's story, the organization she started and helpful resources.

Books Recommendations:

How to Find Dr. April Moreno:
PodBean Podcast: Doctor April Wellness
E: doctoraprilwellness@gmail.com 

p.s. Follow the link below if you are interested in finding our more information about Rael products    Rael Natural Foaming Feminine Wash

Important Information Regarding Food Services Sites During Schools Closures

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Hello San Diego,

The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) is keeping an updated site that lists  Food Service Sites Open During School Closures.

Any student ages 2 to 18 can go to ANY SITE providing meals and receive food during this period of school closures due to COVID-19. 
The website lists the sites confirmed by the San Diego County Office of Education, where students will be provided meals during the school closures beginning March 16.
The most up-to-date list is available here. The website includes the information for all of the districts across the county.

Below is the information for San Diego Unified School District, specifically, since this is the district in Central Region, However, please note you may visit any site on the website’s list

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated
Hope the resources are helpful for families in San Diego County!


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Well ladies it seems that by now everyone is aware about the Coronavirus outbreak. So, I am going to share some great resources you can share in your community, work and home. I want to be mindful about sharing informative educational resources, but please do not PANIC or be consumed with FEAR. One of the things we should always be doing is simply taking precautionary steps just like all the other outbreaks with Influenza, H1N1, Zinka Virus and more. So, with that said, the World Health Organization has created a great  resource page that is accessible to the public to view.

The foremost important thing is to the following below:

Season 2 Episode 1: Fertility Talk

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Happy Monday!
It's time to drop a new season with new intentions. Get ready as the Saludable Latina Women's Health and Wellness Podcast is ready to bring more health topic conversations with real women and health and wellness experts. To get things started right, Lilia is opening up about her own personal story with an episode about Fertility Talk.
Fertility...Hmmm What does it mean? Well, many things really, but for today's podcast conversation it will be focused on trying to conceive. In this Episode, I talk about my personal experience as I got ready to see a fertility specialist, what labs where recommended, intimate screening questions the provider asked, sex life, and deciding to go on hormone therapy.
Although I don't give you all the details in this episode, I will be breaking up the topics into different podcast segments throughout the new season in hopes to create the dialogue, awareness and education.


(*Importante: As always all podcast episodes are for educational purpose only, it is not a substitution for medical advice or treatment. Please always consult with your medical provider in regards to a particular diagnoses or health treatment.)
Labs recommended by my medical provider for my fertility assessment were the following:
Chemistry Panel
Lipid Profile Hematology
Thyroid Endocrine
HcG Quant
You also have to excuse me as I mention an insulin panel which I might of mistaken with the Lipid panel.
Below are a couple of resources and even though I didn't recommend a book during the recording, the one below is a good read on how to have good prenatal nutrition.
Social Media:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/saludable_latina
Email: saludablelatina@gmail.com