Dr. Loree Johnson specializes in women's mental health and reproductive health to help clients overcome the emotional challenges that come with fertility challenges- including pregnancy loss and emotional trauma. She also helps couples, who have become divided by their fertility journey, strengthen their connection. As fellow clinician of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, she has served in both state and national boards.
On her spare time, Dr. Loree Johnson loves to dance salsa, travel and ride her motorcylce.
Make sure you click the link below to listen to Dr. Loree Johnson fertility journey and the services she extended sorrounding fertility.
Recommended Books:
1. Infertility and PTSD by Joanna Flemons-LCSW
2. The Body Keeps Score Healing Trauma
Where to find Dr. Loree Johnson:
Instagram: drloreejohnson
Website: https://drloreejohnson.com
E: dr.loree@drloreejohnson.com
Fertility Guide
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