The Sacred Circle at Mt. Helix

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Honoring directions of a sacred circle can often lead to spiritual practice, but, unfortunately, many people have not attempted a sacred circle. When we are able to form a sacred circle, we realize our own intuitive compass will lead to a connection that will have us yearning for a deeper connection of unity. 

The Sacred Circle can emphasize your inner compass that can open your heart and honor a medicine wheel of healing. I work with four directions in my personal spiritual practice, in doing healing and counseling, and guiding group hikes and rituals. The four direction are an integral part of my worldview and provide a framework for understanding action. 

It is important for individuals to map their own traditions, preferences, experiences. The map I use is present to evolve overtime and continues to evolve because I adapt it to my needs. When you create your map it should provide a lens through which you view your own dimensions of self healing and health. It can be useful in assessing area of wellness and strength as well as areas which need healing and attention. 

Included below are simple descriptions of correspondences for each direction that are examples of healing modalities which can address specific needs to each direction: 


In this particular direction this is the element EARTH and the POWER of BODY. In nature forms are rocks, sand and soil.  In human life, it's our physical dimension and the sensing of realm. In this particular direction, pay attention to your physiological body and the sensation of your body positions with biological needs. 

Healing modalities include focusing on nutrition, hygiene, body language, relaxation and rest


In this particular direction t
his the element AIR and the POWER of MIND. Its Nature forms are winds, the atmosphere and the breath. In human life, this is the mental dimension and the thinking realm. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to your way of thinking, your ability to reason and your attitude with your mental health

Healing modalities include self-talk, journaling, affirmations, congitive restructuring, and education

In this particular direction this is the element FIRE and the POWER of ACTION. Its nature forms flames, lighting and electricity. In human life, this is the behavioral dimension and the "doing" realm. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to our repertoire of activities, the amount of time you allot to play, the quality alone time, the interactions with others and your behavioral health. 

Healing modalities include play, exercise, outmoded habits, positive behavioral change, goal setting and achieving health and career desires. 

In this particular direction this is the element of WATER and the POWER of EMOTION. Its Nature forms are oceans, lakes, rivers, springs and fluids in the body. In human life, this is the emotional dimension and the "feeling" realm. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to your moods, your feelings about yourself and others, to the level of intimacy and trust and your emotional health

Healing modalities included guided imagery, active listening, expressing and sharing feelings, giving comfort, signing, drawing and forms of artistic expression. 

Thanks for our sponsors JustGyvLeonie LemonWhole Bella, and Tea-Sane for believing in the first Saludable Latina Sacred Circle gathering and creating products that are beneificial for our wellnes journey. 

Just Gyv's Story:
The inspiration for the name GYV is simple: Gabrielle y Victor, my daughter, and my son. When you read GYV out loud, it sounds like give, the perfect word to inspire positive change in our families, our communities, and the world. To us, GYV is more than just a name. We want our brand to inspire people to GYV love to the people who feel forgotten, hope to those who are too afraid to dream, and freedom to those who feel confined by their circumstances. We want to JUST GYV to make a difference in the hearts of people across the globe ( 
Leonie Lemon: To promote healing and relaxation through holistic alternatives.

Whole Bella: hollistic living, metaphysic, personal growth, aromatherapy, philosphy, the use of religion in culture, energy work, massage, the study of herbs and medication practice. 

Unfortunately there was no page found for Tea-Sane, but we like to thank you from the bottom our hearts for the sample tea packets! 

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