Menstrual Cycle Wisdom

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Reclaiming your wisdom with your menstrual cycle can be quite a powerful experience for every girl, young lady and women. The different parts of the cycle can be an opportunity to profound our connection with our fierce bodies.  And the process can begin with the simple practice of thinking differently about our bodies and being mindful about our perception of our menstruation.

Christiane Northrup a well known medical provider illustrated a simple chart below highlighting the importance of how menstruation cycle is perceived and the outcome if we refuse to embrace our bleed manifestation.

Body Organ or Process
Encoded Wisdom
Energy Dysfunction
Physical Manifestation
Menstruation Cycle
Cyclic intuitive wisdom and emotional recycling and processing
Refusal to embrace
Both difficult and pleasant emotions; the dark and the light
Not allowing shadow side to be seen and worked through
Belief that menstrual cycle is bad or shameful
Lack of periods
Heavy periods
Irregular periods
Painful Periods

As Christiane mentions, "we should start viewing our menstruation cycles as a sacred source of insight and renewal." Every women now lives in a modern world, where the fast paced life is the norm, we multitask several different roles and jobs, all while trying to find a balance. The reality is we have become an expert of interrupting our body rhythms because we are busy meeting everyone's expectations except listening to our bodies.

We need to start learning more about our menstrual cycle wisdom to start embracing our cycle bleeds for our health, healing and love. I am not implying to become an extraordinary menstrual cycle philosopher, but I am recommending to start reading about our connection to the moon and female cyclic nature.

Her Philosphy and Services

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My Womb, My Healing 

Women’s  Healing Art Services

Is a place to gather as we discover and integrate a new blueprint of our wellness journey and the women we are becoming. Saludable Latina focuses to bring education, prevention, healing and navigation. As each woman claims her healing process by connecting to different healing modalities and raising their own self conscious awareness to connect with our bodies, mind, and spirit.

Women's Educational Workshops:
  • Breast Health
  • Conscious Fertility
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Exercise for Wellness
  • Gynecology Health
  • Menstruation Health
  • Nourishing Feminine Vitality
  • Stress
  • Mental Health
  • Tobacco Support
  • Postpartum Education
Educational workshops can be provided onsite at school, community room, conference, wellness event, corporate office, business, library, etc. Each educational workshop includes a presentation, education handouts, and resources. Please call 619-394-5353 for appointment availability and pricing. I look forward to connecting and providing space to talk about women's health and wellness.

Massage Therapy Services for Women Wellness ( Cert: 92784)
  • Crown Chakra: Head, Neck, and Shoulders
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Upper Body and Diagphragm (Abdominal)
  • Sacral Chakra: Womb, Legs and Feet.
  • Postpartum Recovery Full Body Massage

  • Other Services:
  • Womb Reiki
  • Light Therapy Meditation
  • Private Womb (Indoor or Outdoor) Ceremonies for Pregnancy Loss
Please call 619-394-5353 for appointment availability and pricing. For more information, please email:
We hope to  embrace pristine pauses of silence, self love, and support for each woman to express her experience and feelings.
Visit  the website for more information: Saludable Latina Women's Health and Wellness

Medical Journal Articles

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About Me

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I am Lilia G. Ashe, the founder of Saludable Latina Women’s Health and Wellness blog and podcast. Welcome to the blog! A little bit about me, I am a daughter, mother, and wellness entrepreneur who is passionate about all things women's health: mind, body, and soul.

I hold an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts, Bachelor's in Science in Community Health and Completed one year in Master's Social Work in Community Development and Administration which then transitioned into becoming a certified Holistic Health Practitioner. I am also Certified in Women’s Healing Arts and have created services to help support and navigate women in their WOMB wellness journey and more.

I have provided health education among women in Los Angeles, Orange County, Texas, and San Diego and virtually online New York and Arizona with the hopes to continue grow. I am also wellness public speaker, leader, and facilitator. If you like to book me as a speaker, please email me at In my own personal wellness journey I was searching for a different type of support and healing and I am a BIG believer in both Western and Eastern medicine. So, I was inspired to create a small wellness directory that includes Spirituality, Health and Wellness professionals, healers, and more. Click the following link for more information Wellness Directory (it's still a working progress).

One of my ultimate goals is to open a small women's wellness center in San Diego, but in a meanwhile join Lilia in the movement to raise awareness and make a difference!


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Shanti Bowl

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Music and Sound have been used as tools in ancient history to promote healing and meditation. The singing bowl such as the Singing Bowl is one of the first instruments utilized by mankind. The simple instrument and tool creates a mysterious soundwave that allows you to become one with your body. It also provides different frequencies to relax the body, mind and soul.

I had an opportunity to create a healing place with a  Singing Bowl in my own  home and garden. And prior to being gifted a beautiful handmade piece by Jessica, I remember praying to create a soul loving space in my home after my second miscarriage. My body had experienced death within my own body. And my mind and soul had filled with pain, agony and sadness. As I allowed myself to experience every emotion, I had also created a hostile environment and did not want to linger in that space forever. So, I slowly started to shift the energy in every room to honor, heal and nurture myself.

One day, after cleaning and rearranging the house, I laid down to do a little self-care and watch an episode of my favorite show: The Bing Bang Theory. When all of sudden a big thump noise startled my dog and I, so, I slowly got up to investigate where the strange noise had come from. The rooms where all in place and no items had fallen. I then flipped the porch light on, opened the door and scoped the right side of my house near my window and I found a large green grasshopper. How strange! I thought to myself and took a picture.

You see, earlier in the day before cleaning, my heart was weighing heavy when I woke up in tears and sadness. I remember taking  a deep breathe and praying. So, after experiencing such a strange thing, I decided to look up the meaning.

Grasshopers are also totem animals, animal spirit guides. They often enter peoples lives when a spiritual direction or spiritual healing is needed. By grasshopper showing himself physically to you, he is asking you seek also his spirit and healing vibrations. 

Grasshopers can only jump forward, not backward or sideways, showing up could be reaffirming to you that you are taking the right steps to move forward and telling you to go ahead and move forward, getting past what is hindering you. 

That same week, Jessica had confirmed my shipment for the singing bowl and it was almost as if my prayer had aligned with my spiritual needs because I had unresolved chronic emotional stress in a particular area of my life connected to my womb. My emotional stress was causing a disturbance that began to manifest to physical illness causing my life energy to leak away from my body. My energy was shifting drastically between anger, fear, depression, and sadness. It was controlling my ability to not move forward until I decided to start healing and honoring my body.

The Shanti bowl and the grasshopper is one of many things centering myself to understand my thoughts and emotions and how my energy works in the female body language through music, prayer and meditation. Thanks to the grasshopper encounter, I am also learning to overcome obstacles efficiently to be able to jump into successful ventures without preparation or planning. It shows me to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of my life without fear. The shanti bowl has become part of my music therapy and sound healing. The rich harmony soundwaves help eliminate stress and promote holistic healing.

Episode #31 Helen Palamino CEO, LCSW

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Happy Wednesday! Tune into Episode #31 to get to know Helen Palamino CEO, LCSW of The Cancer Resource Center of the Desert

Helen Palomino is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and CEO of the Cancer Resource Center of the Desert(CRCD). In 2008 she graduated with a Masters Degree in Social Work from SDSU School of Social Work. After graduating she joined CRCD as a medical social worker. The Cancer Resource Center of the Desert is the only local non-profit community-based organization providing comprehensive cancer Patient Navigation to individuals living in the Imperial Valley community. Over 2,400 Imperial County patients have been served since 2006. All services are provided at no cost to the patient.
According to Mrs. Palamino, CRCD provides Imperial Valley cancer patients personalized service to help them manage their diagnosis at no cost to the patient. The organization open its doors in 2006 and has provided service to over 2,500 Imperial County residents. As the only local NPO, the organization offers Clinical Patient Navigation Services by Master’s level trained staff. All CRCD staff are CITI Certified to conduct Research by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative.
In 2018, CRCD served 388 cancer patients
85% of CRCD cancer patients are Hispanic
63% Monolingual Spanish: many of these patients are in need of better understanding how the US Healthcare system works.
64% are Female and 36% Male
In Imperial County, CRCD works closely with patient, family, and oncology team.
For more information please contact:
Helen Palomino, LCSW, CEO
444 S. 8th St., Suite B-3
El Centro, CA 92243

Episode 29: Creating a Soul Loving Space

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Recommended Books:

1. Interior Divine: Walking You Through the Transformation of You Home, by Jane M. Pelosi
2. Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of You Home, By Denise Linn
3. It's All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff, by Peter Walsh

Breath Work

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What is breath work? It's the conscious control of breathing that is meant to influence a person's mental, emotional and/or physical state, with a profound therapeutic effect. Breath work exercises can truly help promote relaxation and decrease daily stress in our lives. 

Just recently I had the opportunity to do a private breath work session with Ana Lilia in Los Angeles and luckily I took my sister along, so she can experience a different healing modality. I've seen my sister deal with her anxiety and depression since she was a child. She has received  services and resources with counselors, therapist and medication, but nothing really seem to guide her healing. But when she experience breath work for the first time, she truly realized there is other ways such as breath work to help release layers of pain, agony and trauma. Learning to heal ourselves can take time and that's okay as long as we heal with an open heart, mind and soul.

During our breath work ession with Ana Lilia, we both felt our echoes in our belly that became flooded with light energy that felt deeply into our bodies. We both felt deeply into a lost experience rising with the flow of our inhale, inhale, exhale. For me in particular my Womb, heart, exhale. My body tingles dance with the vibration of the music, a dance between fear and surrender. A simple act of breath work left us feeling tingling and letting go. 

So without further do, join me, as Ana Lilia and I talk about her breath work journey and what it meant for her as healer in the community. 

Work with Me

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How to work with Saludable Latina

Need a writer? I am here to share health and wellness topics because my primary goal is "primary prevention education for women."

What kind of clients am I looking for? Creative organizations profit or non-profit and wellness type companies.  A business that believes in the true well being of the individual.

Product | Service | Event reviews:
If it involves health and wellness count me in! I love providing my readers with new experiences that can help pave the path to a healthier lifestyle.

Speaking | Presentations:
I love collaborating with brands, companies, organizations, educational institutions
 as a motivational speaker for women's heath and wellness. 

Sponsorships | Collaborations

Press samples are more than welcomed, but not always featured. I practice what I preach, so if I feel the product will truly promote a healthier lifestyle then the product will be featured in my own discretion. I will be happy to collaborate with a product that goes along with my Saludable Latina content. I love receiving event invites as well as featuring services, experiences and products that deserve the spotlight it needs for the women's health. 

To inquire about a Media Kit, please send an email.