What is breath work? It's the conscious control of breathing that is meant to influence a person's mental, emotional and/or physical state, with a profound therapeutic effect. Breath work exercises can truly help promote relaxation and decrease daily stress in our lives.
Just recently I had the opportunity to do a private breath work session with Ana Lilia in Los Angeles and luckily I took my sister along, so she can experience a different healing modality. I've seen my sister deal with her anxiety and depression since she was a child. She has received services and resources with counselors, therapist and medication, but nothing really seem to guide her healing. But when she experience breath work for the first time, she truly realized there is other ways such as breath work to help release layers of pain, agony and trauma. Learning to heal ourselves can take time and that's okay as long as we heal with an open heart, mind and soul.
During our breath work ession with Ana Lilia, we both felt our echoes in our belly that became flooded with light energy that felt deeply into our bodies. We both felt deeply into a lost experience rising with the flow of our inhale, inhale, exhale. For me in particular my Womb, heart, exhale. My body tingles dance with the vibration of the music, a dance between fear and surrender. A simple act of breath work left us feeling tingling and letting go.
So without further do, join me, as Ana Lilia and I talk about her breath work journey and what it meant for her as healer in the community.
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